Discovered Correlations

Poverty Vs Lack of healthcare
Positive correlation: 0.52

There is a gap to fill, in providing healthcare where there is a higher poverty rate.We need more Health Care facilities to be accessible to the Poor.

Poverty% Vs Smokes%
Positive correlation: 0.52

Smoking is more among people living in poverty; financial stress could be a factor. Awareness and Better rehabilitation facilities to be available to the poor.

Poverty% Vs Obesity%
Positive correlation: 0.46

Unhealthy food is cheaper compared to healthy ones. Better nutrition is to be provided to the poor with moderate prices.

Age Vs Obesity%
Uncorrelated: -0.007

Obesity is a problem for all ages. Everyone should be made aware of the health issues related to obesity.

Age Vs Smokes%
Slight Positive correlation: 0.248

People of middle age or more tend to smoke at a larger scale. Health issues related to smoking need to be made aware at a younger age itself.

Age Vs Lack of healthcare
Negative correlation: -0.385

Older population seems like getting the rightly deserving healthcare. People of higher age should continue getting more healthcare from the Government.

Income Vs Obesity%
Negative correlation: -0.65

High income helps buying healthy food and have access to exercise facilities. Government should help low income households with basic nutrients and free public exercise facilities.

Income Vs Smokes%
Negative correlation: -0.66

Smoking is more among people with lower income; financial stress could be a factor. Awareness and Better rehabilitation facilities to be available to the poor.

Income and Lack of healthcare
Negative correlation: -0.43

Lower income households are getting the deserving healthcare. This help should be continued by the Government over the coming years.