UFO Sightings

The Truth is Out There

Aliens definitely exist and it's possible they're living among us on Earth but have gone undetected so far. Here, you find the evidence!!!
Date City State Country Shape Duration Comments
1/1/2010bentonaruscircle5 mins.4 bright green circles high in the sky going in circles then one bright green light at my front door.
1/1/2010bonitacauslight13 minutesThree bright red lights witnessed floating stationary over San Diego New Years Day 2010
1/1/2010el cajoncaustriangle6 minutesOn New Years Eve I went outside to hear the celebration and fireworks in my neighbor hood. And noticed 3 red lights above my house and
1/1/2010el cajoncaustriangle12 minutes3 Red objects hovering over El Cajon CA
1/1/2010fresnocauslight1 minFresno cal. bright light hovers over head then vanished
1/1/2010grants passorustrianglea few mintuesTriangle shaped craft with three red lights at points hovering over Grants Pass, Oregon.
1/1/2010la mesacauslight10 minThree red lights over southern California that made a triangle shape
1/1/2010lemon grovecauslightabout 15 minutes3 Red lights in line pattern above El Cajon/ East County.
1/1/2010maricopaazusunknown3 minutesOne huge UFO or three seperate ones
1/1/2010park citykyuslight2-3 secondsLights orbiting the moon
1/1/2010st. louismousfireball1 min7 floating orbs or fireballs moving from southwest to northeast direction.
1/1/2010el cajoncausformation15 min.Three red lights over the San Diego area - IT'S A HOAX YET AGAIN!!
1/1/2010spring valleycauslight10:00Three bright red lights in a straight line formation
1/1/2010willowakusformation7 minfour orange red objects suddenly appear 12:01 am new years move north then south and dissapear
1/1/2010antiochcausother30 minuetsObjects in sky over Antioch California 12:03AM January 1, 2010
1/1/2010el cajoncauslight10min3 red lights in sky new years 2010
1/1/2010naplesflussphere2 mini'm in naples park. last night, my husband and I were sitting outside --neighbors lighting off fireworks, etc. We're under a lanai and
1/1/2010la mesacaustriangle4-6 minutes3 bright red lights hovering high in the sky in an elongated triangle pattern just after midnight 2010 in La Mesa, Ca
1/1/2010anchorageakuslightone minuteUpper atmosphere object moving south, becoming stationary and later moving east at a high rate of speed.
1/1/2010national citycausformation25 mintutes3 red lights over the mountains in Eastern San Diego
1/1/2010boca ratonflusfireball4 minutesSlow moving fireball northbound at hight altitude Southern Florida
1/1/2010falconcousdisk8 minsWe experienced red disk over the falcon, colorado sky within the first minutes of the new year.
1/1/2010crestviewflusunknown2 minutesOrange/Yellow flickering light in the sky with no sound and abrupt changes in direction, below 12ꯠ feet.
1/1/2010aspencouschevron2 minsNew Years Eve Anomoly In Aspen Colorado
1/1/2010walworthwiussphere5-7 minutesLarge red/orange orb traveling southeast between Milwaukee and Chicago.
1/1/2010bakerflusunknown15Six flickering orange lights over baker
1/1/2010san diegocaussphere20 minutesOrange spheres in sky New Year's Eve, San Diego, CA
1/1/2010willowakussphere10-11 min4 redishorange shpereiodical objects appear during 2010 fireworks show hover around then disappear 500 Lights On Object0: Yes
1/1/2010san diegocaustriangle3 minutesIt happen nEw years eve 2010
1/1/2010haverhillmaustriangle30 secondsHaverhill Massachusetts triangle object sighting
1/1/2010pasadenacaustriangle1 minuteWalking on Cordova westbound just before the Hilton. Sun was setting so looked up to see if we could see any satellite reflection. Sa
1/1/2010albuquerquenmuslighthalf an hourMy wife and I were outside in the Jacuzzi when she first saw a light. It glowed and traveled from north to south. It lit up again whe
1/1/2010jasperflussphere1 minBright light sets in the eastren sky.
1/1/2010bakersfieldcauslight1 minuteTwo Crafts dancing in the sky!
1/2/2010orangecauslight5-6 minutesPoint of light in daytime sky over Orange, CA
1/2/2010phoenixazusrectangle10 secondsA bright light in Phoenix hovered above houses in broad daylight, then vanished
1/2/2010sacramentocaustriangle4minTriangle shaped object spotted over Sacramento River.
1/2/2010middleburgflussphere10 minutesI was on my way out the door of my house , when i stepped into the drive way of my house i noticed a redish/orange moon it was straight
1/2/2010waxhawncussphere1 minutered glow/flame over waxhaw, nc
1/2/2010madisonalustriangle2 minutesTriangle shaped craft with orange-yellow lights that hovered very low near Redstone Arsenal in Madison, Al
1/2/2010lovelandcouscross5 minutesextremely bright light over tree in loveland, CO
1/2/2010atlantagausfireball3 secondsglowing red spaceship flys at car
1/3/2010masonohuscircle20 minsdidnt move like a plane or helicopter, too close to be a star.
1/4/2010glen speynyusflash35 minscolorful flashing craft hovers for 30mins & then flashes violet, followed by dashing to the right & disappearing
1/4/2010reedvillevauschangingabt 1 hourSpherical flashing lights, hovering in the northwestern sky, no sound. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of celestial body?? PD))
1/4/2010clevelandohustriangledowntownis it a ufo
1/4/2010whittiercauslight3 secondsThick bright light travels across southern California then disappears?
1/4/2010ben wheelertxuslight2-3 minutesVery bright light, flying lower than a jet; appeared to be tracking another light. ((NUFORC Note: Satellites?? PD))
1/4/2010san pablocausunknown4 hoursExtremely high, hovering object blinking various colors with red light on top seen from San Pablo. ((NUFORC Note: Sirius?? PD))
1/4/2010cedar rapidsiauslight15 minTwo very bright white lights come close together in the northwest sky and one dissapears...
1/4/2010el cajoncauslightnoticed from dusk to dawn"Fake stars" over San Diego, CA
1/5/2010princetoninusdisk15 secondsFlying Saucer hovering above ground.
1/5/2010chula vistacausoval10 secondsOne Oval Spining above Chula Vista
1/5/2010colonianjusunknown15 minloud aircraft that could be heard for up to 15 minutes at its lowest rummble.
1/5/2010clintonnjuscigar3 weeksTraveling to Pennylvania.
1/5/2010new paltznyustriangle45 secondsBlack Triangular Aircraft w/ Three White Lights Flying Low in New Paltz, NY
1/5/2010rockwellncuscigar40 secondsBrilliant silver/white silent object flew into sight, slowed, paused then faded from sight.
1/5/2010andersonscuslightseven minutesOrange light that set down in woods, got brighter, then left
1/6/2010san diegocauslight20 minutesUnusual silent, orange glowing light stopping changing direction and discharging sudstance.
1/6/2010pacific palisadescausteardrop5 minutesI was at home in my condo at night.My condo faces the back of the 16 unit building.
1/6/2010searcyarusdisk1 hourdisc shape hovering above Searcy, AR
1/7/2010southamptonnyusformation30 sec7 dim lights triangular formation 30 sec easterly direction off long island ny
1/7/2010mansfieldmauslight3 minBright lights aligned with Castor and Pollux
1/7/2010edgartownmauscircle50 sec.UFO Sighting 01/07/12010 My wife and I were sitting in our hot tub when we saw it. It was almost overhead traveling from west to eas
1/7/2010windhamnhuslight2 secondsBright white flash on the southwestern horizon
1/7/2010west boylstonmauslightapprox. 1 sec.Bright Florissant-green, circular light arching downward with a trail of the same color. ((NUFORC Note: Possible meteor? PD))
1/7/2010westbrookctustriangle2-3 minutesVery large (747ish), low flying, slow moving (30-50 mph), and absolutely silent triangular object w/3 lights.
1/8/2010fort worthtxuschevron20 minutesColorful and bright huge objects in sky.
1/8/2010tomballtxusunknown10-15 secondsFour straight ,horizontal lights on one 40-60' structure, 150-200 ft in the air just above the tree line (Tomball TX)
1/8/2010port saint lucieflusfireball2 -3 minutesRed ball surrounded by fire surrounded by a blue green circle over Port Saint Lucie Florida
1/8/2010bouldercoustriangle40 secondsA trangular craft with several, large, bright lights flew low and quick over the neighborhood
1/9/2010london (canada)oncadisk10-20 minsvery close encounter with what i truley cant imagine
1/9/2010clevelandtnusotherunknownmy daughter went with her mother to look for a job, at hickery springs mfco.she toke a picture of her self seting in the drivers set. a
1/9/2010francis creekwiuslight1 hourmulti-colored pulsating UFO, round white object falls out of it straight down toward the ground
1/9/2010woodbridgenjuslightnine minutesSaw two lights that were not planes.
1/9/2010seattlewauscylinder1 minuteReviewing my photos I came across a suspicious object in the upper right corner and it way flying at an odd angle. Too steep for a plan
1/9/2010freedom (watsonville)caustriangle20((HOAX??)) 1/9/19 DURATION 20:00 FREEDOM CA IT WAS A TRIANGLE BUT FIRST IT WAS ONE LIGHT
1/9/2010santa fe springscaussphere6 secondsSphere like glowing objects hovering and then traveling in an incredibly fast speed then vanishing.
1/9/2010salinemiusformationseveral hoursSoutheast sky early in the evening, Blue, Green and Red Lights. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Sirius?? PD))
1/9/2010buffalonyuslight2 secondsFast moving light curves in sky
1/9/2010cincinnatiohuslightnot surecinti,ohio 23:00 light in back yard
1/9/2010paducahkyusunknown45 minutesI went outside for nightly smoke break and to gaze at the night sky. I noticed something that seemed like an out of place star only to
1/10/2010uxbridgemaussphere5 minutesUnidentified object, roughly spherical, hovering/moving very slowly, many lights, multiple colors.
1/10/2010round rocktxuslight2 seconds3 Fast-moving lights over Round Rock Texas
1/10/2010san jacintocausunknown5 secondesA bright light hitting us while leaving at high speed
1/10/2010nortonmaustriangle1 minstrange craft with amazing speed.
1/10/2010hancockmdussphere2 minutesPhoto taken of silver colored sphere in Western Maryland.
1/10/2010caryncuschanging15 minObject appears and hovers, strange maneuvering.
1/10/2010tularosanmusother5 min.green figure 8 followed by military aircraft
1/10/2010eunicelausoval15:00 minsTwo objects meet then leave each other one to the east and one to the west
1/10/2010butlermouschevron1-2 minutes((HOAX??)) I was heading driving to the store when I seen a red and yellow lighted craft in the air flying 1000 ft or less strobing.
1/10/2010lompoccausfireball6 sechuge bright orange sphere appeared and dissapeared
1/10/2010prattksuscircle6 seconds4 rings of light accompanied by a single ring of light
1/11/2010tauntonmausunknown10 seconds((HOAX??)) saw a strange object in the night sky
1/11/2010lakelandflusother1 minuteNeon blue light in the sky disappears and then phone call is interrupted by unknown sound .
1/11/2010fort myersflusfireball15 secondsBright fireball seen over Naples area of SW Florida.
1/11/2010fairfieldcausovalunknownShape was black in color
1/11/2010joplinmoustriangle5 to 10 sec.V shaped, extreamly fast, silent and the color was orange.
1/11/2010ingleside (canada)oncatriangle5 minutestriangle shaped craft with four coloured lights
1/12/2010fayettevillewvussphere7 minutssomething followed my family and left a piece behind
1/12/2010eugeneorusunknown2 minutesAwaken by several episodes of BRIGHT FLASHING LIGHT and a very LOUD mysterous noise.
1/12/2010springfieldoruschanging3 minutesblack floating object with lights
1/12/2010almaarusothernight((HOAX??)) a strange ball of fire, like after burners.
1/12/2010wichitaksusteardrop5 minutesOrange teardrop-shape craft
1/12/2010deep runncusother10 secondsCar like object in the sky
1/12/2010waukeshawiusdisk15minutesfive glowning globes over waukesha,wi
1/12/2010cerescausfireball30 secondsFireballs seen from Ceres, California
1/13/2010white oakpaustriangle30 secondsBlinking lights on a rectanglar shaped object spotted in the sky in White Oak, PA.
1/13/2010ackermanmsuslight2 hoursA bright light hovering in the southwestern sky. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Sirius. PD))
1/13/2010gulf breezeflusunknown4 minutesBright orange object, rapid speed and direction changes ..