Max Temperature

Latitude  vs Max Temperature

As we move towards equator, the hemisphere becomes significantly warmer. The regression analysis on both the hemispheres leads to better understanding!

Latitude  vs Max Temperature in NHS
Latitude  vs Max Temperature in SHS
  • The temperature depends on the distance from the equator.
    • Observe the p-value of the linear regression estimator << 0. This means that the slope is NOT zero.
    • In both hemispheres, a high correlation between latitude and temperature.
    • We can observe a pattern in the scatter plot also.
  • As we move towards equator, temperature increases on both sides of the hemisphere.
  • From the data, it looks like, temperatures at cities equidistant from the equator in both the sides might not be the same.
    • For instance,
      • At latitude +30, temperature is approximated as -0.45*30+89.53=76.03 F.
      • At latitude -30, temperature is approximated as 0.75*(-30)+78.58 = 56.08F.
    • This is because most of the northern hemisphere is land whereas most of the southern hemisphere is ocean and ocean is likely to be colder.
